Requirements for applying for civil servant and public employee positions in Vietnam

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What are civil servants and public employees? What are the requirements for applying for civil service positions? Let’s find out in detail through this article.

1. What are civil servants and public employees?

1.1. What is a civil servant?

A civil servant is a Vietnamese citizen who is recruited and appointed to a position corresponding to their employment in the agencies of the Communist Party of Vietnam, the State, political and social organizations at the central, provincial, and district levels; in the military units of the People’s Army who are not officers, professional soldiers, or defense workers; in the units of the People’s Police who are not officers, non-commissioned officers serving under the professional regime, or police workers, in the establishment and receiving salaries from the state budget.

(Article 4, Section 2 of the Law on Cadres and Civil Servants 2008 (amended in 2019))

1.2. What is a public employee?

– A public employee is a Vietnamese citizen recruited for a job position and working in a public career unit under a work contract and receiving a salary from the salary fund of the public career unit in accordance with the law.

Among them, a managerial public employee is a person appointed to a limited-term managerial position, responsible for organizing and implementing one or more tasks in the public career unit and receiving a management allowance.

(Article 2 and Section 1 of Article 3 of the Law on Public Employees 2010 (amended in 2019))

illustration. Requirements for applying for civil servant and public employee positions in Vietnam

2. Requirements for applying for civil service and public employee positions

2.1. Requirements for applying for civil service positions

Individuals applying for civil service positions must fully meet the requirements specified in Article 36 of the Law on Cadres and Civil Servants 2008 (amended in 2019), as follows:

– Individuals meeting the following conditions, regardless of ethnicity, gender, social background, religion, are eligible to apply for civil service positions:

+ Vietnamese nationality;

+ 18 years of age or older;

+ Submit an application form; have a clear personal record;

+ Have appropriate diplomas, certificates;

+ Have good political qualities and ethics;

+ Have sufficient health to perform duties;

+ Other conditions as required by the applied position.

– The following individuals are not eligible to apply for civil service positions:

+ Not residing in Vietnam;

+ Missing or having limited legal capacity for civil conduct;

+ Being prosecuted for criminal liability; currently executing or having completed the sentence or decision on criminal punishment by the Court without having the criminal record expunged; subjected to administrative handling measures for compulsory detoxification or compulsory education.

2.2. Requirements for applying for public employee positions

To apply for public employee positions, individuals must meet the conditions specified in Article 22 of the Law on Public Employees 2010 (amended in 2019), as follows:

– Individuals meeting the following conditions, regardless of ethnicity, gender, social background, religion, are eligible to apply for public employee positions:

+ Vietnamese nationality and residing in Vietnam;

+ 18 years of age or older. For certain fields of cultural, artistic, physical education, and sports activities, the eligible age may be lower according to the law, and at the same time, there must be written consent from the legal representative;

+ Submit an application form;

+ Have a clear personal record;

+ Have diplomas, training certificates, professional practice certificates, or appropriate skills for the applied job position;

+ Have sufficient health to perform the work or task;

+ Meet other conditions required by the job position determined by the public career unit but not in violation of the law.

– The following individuals are not eligible to apply for public employee positions:

+ Missing legal capacity or having limited legal capacity for civil conduct;

+ Being prosecuted for criminal liability; currently executing a sentence or decision on criminal punishment by the Court; subjected to administrative handling measures for compulsory detoxification or compulsory education.

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