Registering to use, adjusting information and stopping using the I-VAN service is an administrative procedure that organizations and businesses submit to the Department of Social Insurance to use and adjust information. and stop using the I-VAN service. Next, LawFirm.Vn will specify that content according to Decree 166/2016/ND-CP, Decree 140/2018/ND-CP as follows.
1. Some basic concepts
Value-added service of electronic transactions in the field of social insurance (hereinafter referred to as I-VAN service) is a service of receiving, transmitting, storing, and recovering electronic transaction data messages in in the field of social insurance between agencies, organizations and individuals participating in electronic transactions in the field of social insurance and the Social Insurance agency to carry out transactions by electronic means. (Clause 6, Article 3, Decree 166/2016/ND-CP)
I-VAN service provider organization (hereinafter referred to as I-VAN Organization) is an organization operating in the field of information technology that is contracted by Vietnam Social Insurance to provide value-added services. on electronic transactions in the field of social insurance. (Clause 7, Article 3, Decree 166/2016/ND-CP)
The electronic information portal of Vietnam Social Insurance is the access point on the network environment of the information technology system of Vietnam Social Insurance to receive and transmit electronic transaction data messages in the field of insurance. social insurance with organizations and individuals participating in electronic transactions and with I-VAN Organization. (Clause 8, Article 3, Decree 166/2016/ND-CP)

2. Select an organization operating in the field of information technology to sign a contract to provide I-VAN services
Conditions for selecting an organization operating in the field of information technology to sign a contract to provide I-VAN services are specified in Clause 1, Article 6 of Decree 166/2016/ND-CP as follows:
– About the subject: An enterprise established under the provisions of Vietnamese law operating in the field of information technology.
– Financially: There is a guarantee commitment from a credit institution legally operating in Vietnam to resolve risks and compensate for damages that may occur during the service provision process.
– Regarding personnel: There are technical staff with university degrees majoring in information technology, with practical experience in network administration and database administration. There are technical staff who regularly monitor and check 24 hours a day to maintain the stable operation of the electronic data exchange system and support I-VAN service users.
– Technical: Equipment and technical systems must ensure the provision of services to agencies, organizations and individuals when participating in electronic transactions in the field of social insurance and ensure safe connection with Vietnam Social Insurance’s electronic information portal is available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week, except during maintenance periods. Maintenance time must not exceed 2% of total service hours in a year; capable of providing services through users’ devices such as computers, tablets, and smartphones.
Ensuring the capacity and ability to detect, warn and prevent illegal access and forms of attacks on the network environment to ensure the security and integrity of data exchanged between participating parties .
There are processes for performing data backup, online data backup, and data recovery; capable of recovering data no later than 08 hours from the time the electronic data exchange system crashes. Storing electronic documents while the transaction is not completed with the requirement that the original electronic data message must be kept on the system and accessed online. Electronic transaction logs must be stored for a minimum period of 10 years, from the time of successful transaction. Ensure information stored in the transaction log is looked up online during the storage period.
Meets data connection standards requirements of Vietnam Social Insurance.