1. What is zoning planning?
According to the provisions of Clause 8, Article 3 of the Law on Urban Planning of Vietnam 2009, Zoning planning is the division and determination of functions and urban planning land use criteria of land plots and networks of technical infrastructure works. engineering, social infrastructure works in an urban area to concretize the general planning content.
Zoning plans are made for areas in cities, towns and new urban areas. This means that any area belonging to these types of urban areas requires zoning planning to manage and develop effectively.
2. Contents of subdivision planning project
The content of the zoning plan includes determining the use function for each land area; principles of spatial organization and landscape architecture for the entire planning area; indicators on population, land use, and technical infrastructure for each street block; arrange social infrastructure works in accordance with user needs; arrange the network of technical infrastructure works to the streets in accordance with the development stages of the entire urban area; strategic environmental assessment.
Drawings of zoning plans are shown at a scale of 1/5,000 or 1/2,000.
The planning term for subdivision planning is determined on the basis of the general planning term and urban management and development requirements.
The approved zoning plan is the basis for identifying construction investment projects in the urban area and preparing detailed planning.